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Aruhat Cricket Tournament (February 19, 2011 – March 02, 2011)
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Web Data Extraction Platform using Social Media Insights for Online Trend Analysis
Social media is used as an online marketing channel to summarize what users are saying in a given professional and social environment. Web data extraction platform can provide data for research and analytics to derive patterns, trends and conclusions using these media insights. The extracted data can be inserted into text analytical tools, to […]
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How Online Market Intelligence Can Change
Online retail transactions are continuing to increase rapidly every year. Consumers are buying at record rates online and this development shift indicate that power has shifted away from the retailer and gone in the hands of the purchaser. At the same time, customer loyalty to online stores is decreasing. Consumers when shopping online, continuously follow […]
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What A Truly Global SMS Platform Needs!
SMS application providers are always on a look out for global connectivity. Opting for global connectivity will be a big task unless they connect with certain number of mobile operators and bulk SMS providers as per their reach. Connecting with multiple operators is ultimately a business complexity and can also be a technology head-ache. Along […]
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SMS Router During Unpredictable Network
SMS traffic volume sometimes predictably as well as unpredictably varies timely, seasonally and due to festive variations. Frequency of Engaged SMS Traffic Problems: Messaging Traffic in the busiest hours of the day with number of messages sent by an average subscriber definitely strains the overall messaging capacity. Messaging infrastructure then accommodates traffic for the remaining […]
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