DataCrops Article

Increase Online Conversions by converting “DATA INTO BUSINESS”


There is a dynamic shift happening in the world of “Online Marketing”. Online business conversions through only social media or email strategy is loosing a grip & the need of the day is to combine the social media and email strategies with competitive data & analytics for converting “DATA INTO BUSINESS“.

Needs of Online Businesses & E-Commerce Portals:

Their market strategy definitely needs a combination of business & market statistics such as online market analytics, competitor & business insights, social trends and real-time pricing updates to drive online businesses.

Need redesign of product/service strategic positioning:

a) Product positioning strategy

b) Tracking branding strategy

c) Tracking competitive strategy

d) Tracking pricing strategy

e) Tracking marketing intelligence

Benefits in monitoring competitor’s strategy by web data extraction:

1. Real-time and well-analyzed pricing adjustments & updates

2. Identify competitors performance and their future plans

3. Impress new customers by online pricing comparisons

4. Analyzing competitive insights for marketing and branding

5. Identify products which may not compete well on that price

6. Track and monitor when competitors run out of inventory

How Web Data Extraction Platform can help you:

 DataCrops web data extraction platform for ‘Online Market Intelligence‘ has been designed to effectively build market intelligence for organizations. It helps gaining business intelligence and ultimately empower resources by automatically extracting data from multiple web sources.

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